Rickets Causes | Symptoms | Risk Factors

rickets causes


Rickets is a type of bone disease that occurs in children and the main rickets causes are the deficiency of vitamin D & sunlight; associated with decreased metabolism of phosphorus and calcium. Today in this article below I am going to discuss the Rickets causes, symptoms, risk factor, etc. in details. So let’s get started…

What Is Rickets


What Is Rickets?

Rickets is a type of bone disorder that occurs in childhood. Bones become quite soft in this disorder and the risk of breakdown, twist or malformation in them increases. The main symptoms or the main rickets causes are vitamin D deficiency; however, this disease can also occur due to some genetic conditions.

The symptoms of rickets include weakening bones, folding legs, loose muscles, decrease in physical growth, bone fracture, muscle spasms, and dwarfism, etc. The doctor does the physical examination of the patient to check the condition, and blood tests are also done to check the level of vitamin D in X-ray and blood.

You can protect your child from the effects of Rickets by obtaining good information about risk factors that cause a deficiency in vitamin D and by taking steps to prevent it. To obtain vitamin D for the body, it is necessary to adequately expose the sun and also add rich foods to vitamin D and calcium.


Most cases of rickets are treated with the supplements of vitamin D and calcium. It’s necessary to follow the dose of supplements as prescribed by the Doctor.

What are the Rickets Causes


What are the Rickets Causes?

The main rickets causes are the deficiency of vitamin D & sunlight; associated with decreased metabolism of phosphorus and calcium. To absorb calcium and phosphorus, your body needs Vitamin D. If the body of a child is unable to obtain enough vitamin D, then your child may suffer from Rickets disease.

These are the Rickets causes mentioned below. Check out the Rickets causes here…

Vitamin D deficiency:

Vitamin D deficiency may develop in children who are unable to obtain adequate amounts of vitamin D from both of the sources given below:

Foods with Vitamin D:

Vitamin D is found in adequate amounts in fish oil, and fat fish, etc. Apart from this, vitamin D is also included in some other substances such as milk and some types of fruit juice, etc.


When your skin comes in contact with sunlight then your body starts producing Vitamin D. But, nowadays, children usually spend less time in the sun. And thus children suffer from vitamin D deficiency. As a result, they suffer from Rickets as the biggest rickets causes are the deficiency of vitamin D.

Other Rickets Causes are:

Some babies are born or developed with some medical conditions that affect the process of absorption Vitamin D in their body. Some examples include the following:

  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Celiac disease
  • Kidney related problems
  • Inflatable Bowl Disease

So these were the rickets causes. So, let’s now know more about the symptoms of Rickets.

What Are The Symptoms Of Rickets


What Are The Symptoms Of Rickets?

Here is the list of rickets symptoms. Check out the symptoms of rickets below:

  • Feeling pain on the leg, pelvis or spinal cord
  • Swelling in the wrists, ankles, and elbows
  • It takes longer than usual to learn the actions of crawling and walking in children
  • Bone fracture
  • Muscle cramps
  • Delay in developing teeth
  • Holes in the Exterior Layer of the Teeth
  • Gum abscess
  • Diseases in the structure of teeth
  • Increase in the number of cavities in teeth
  • Exterior brow
  • Twisted legs
  • Spinal cord turning
  • If there is vitamin D deficiency in the mother, then the children may bear with Rickets
  • Pelvic malformation
  • Premature Birth etc.

Babies and children with Rickets are often angry and irritable because their bones are painful. Occasionally children with Rickets have severe symptoms of calcium deficiency, such as muscle spasms or epilepsy, etc.

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Rickets or Vitamin D Deficiency Treatment


Rickets or Vitamin D Deficiency Treatment:

The process of Rickets or vitamin D deficiency treatment has two ways. Either you can prevent it or you can get your child treated on time. The best way to prevent Rickets from being infected is to consume foods such as calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D in sufficient quantity. Vitamin D deficiency also causes osteoporosis symptoms.

Regularly exposed to a little sunshine can also be protected from rickets. To prevent dry disease, you only need to touch your hands and face in the sun. You can do this in days during the spring and summer months. Note that you can do it 2 to 4 times a week.

Most adults are exposed to sunlight adequately. It is also important to remember that excessive time in the sun can damage your skin. So if you have to stay in the sun for a long time for some reason they must use sunscreen.

The main goal of the treatment of rickets is to reduce its symptoms and to correct the cause of the situation giving birth. To prevent the occurrence of this disease again, it is very important to treat this cause.

If rickets is due to poor diet, supplements of calcium and vitamin D should be given daily to the patient and the vitamin D injection should be applied annually. Along with that, the patient should also be encouraged to consume foods rich in Vitamin D. This will also lessen osteoporosis symptoms.

The supply of calcium, phosphorus and Vitamin D, etc. can also reduce the number of symptoms which are caused due to rickets. Food rich in Vitamin D contains processed milk and fish levers etc.

When treating rickets for genetic reasons, phosphorus drugs, and active vitamin D hormones are written for the patient.

If rickets has been caused by an inherent (internal) cause, such as kidney disease, then it is necessary to manage these diseases and treat them completely.

During treatment, the patient is encouraged to come in contact with a little sunshine. If the rickets is due to some metabolism problem, then the doctor has to write the supplement of vitamin D for the patient.

With the help of positioning or bracing of bones, prevention of osteoporosis in bones can be prevented. There may also be a need for surgery to correct some skeletal osteoporosis (clotting in body size).

What Are the Risk Factors Of Rickets


What Are the Risk Factors Of Rickets?

After decreasing vitamin D, the level of calcium in the blood is severely reduced, thereby causing muscle cramps, epilepsy, and respiratory problems, etc.

Here are the risk factors of Rickets disease. Check out the risk factors of the Rickets carefully in this article below:

  • Pain in the bones for a long time
  • Bones abnormalities
  • Fracture in the bones, which can be without any reason
  • In rare cases, the heart muscles may be weak due to rickets

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