Frizzy Hair Remedy Home To Get Rid Of Frizziness Easily
Curly hair looks goes perfectly with more or less every type of face, but taking good care of those curls and frizziness is certainly not easy. Hair is attractive only when they are strong and healthy from inside. Straight and long-haired women can easily change hairstyles, but it is difficult for the owner of frizzy hair. The most difficult thing for frizzy hair is to comb it. If you do not take care of hair properly, then your hair starts falling or any other problem starts. However, do not worry as we have prepared frizzy hair remedy home to help you out here. So check it out…
Before using frizzy hair remedy home, you need to follow some restrictions to avoid frizzy hair problem. These restrictions are as follows:
- Do not wash your hair to many times; means do not apply shampoo every single day. As it contain chemicals and thus can damage our hair.
- Comb your hair lightly, means do not be harsh on your hair when you comb them as it can cause hair break.
- Avoid using hair dryer every now and then; means over use of hot blow can damage the structure of our hair. So, unless you are in hurry avoid using hair dryer more often.
- Give your frizzy hair a good hot oil hair massage more often. It will help you to get rid of the frizziness of your hair.
Here is some frizzy hair remedy home provided below. Check out the frizzy hair remedy home carefully to get the best result from these home remedies.
Source :- i0.wp . com
Coconut Oil
When we talk about frizzy hair remedy home then it is impossible for anyone to skip mentioning the application of coconut oil. For healthy hair, the usage of coconut oil is unavoidable. Even people from ancient times used to apply coconut oil for healthy, strong and frizz-free hair. Let’s check how you can apply coconut oil on your frizzy hair.
Ingredients Required:
- 2 Vitamin E oil
- Four tablespoon cold pressed coconut oil
Method To Apply On Hair:
- At first, mix both the oils in a bowl
- Keep the mixture in an airtight container
- Now take two to three spoons of this oil in a bowl according to the length of the hair
- Then apply it on the scalp and hair properly
- Keep it at least for 40 minutes
- Now wash the hair well
- Try this remedy once or twice a week.
Vitamin E is rich with antioxidants that fight with free radicals and prevents Frizzy hair from getting worse and coconut oil nourishes the hair deeply.
Source :- acneskinsite . com
Yogurt is not only satisfying our taste buds, it can also help to get rid of frizzy hair. One of the best frizzy hair remedy home is yogurt. This hair mask is considered to be very good for curly hair and frizzy hair. Now, let’s check out the process and ingredients to apply yogurt on frizzy hair.
Ingredients Required:
- ¼ cup of yogurt (or you can take as per the length of your hair)
- One-third cup of pure almond oil
- 1 or 2 eggs as per the consistency of the mixture
- 2 teaspoon honey
Method To Apply On Hair:
- At first, mix the yogurt, almond oil, honey, and eggs together
- Make a fine paste with all the ingredients
- Now put this mixture on the scalp and hair
- After applying, cover it with a hot towel or shower cap
- Keep the mixture for at least 45 minutes
- Now wash the hair with shampoo and then use the conditioner
- Place this hair mask once or twice a week.
This remedy brings shine, nutrition, and strength in the hair. This hair mask creates a layer of moisture in the hair.
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Source :- . im
There merely any individual who does not know about beer. But do you know that beer can help to get rid of frizzy hair. Beer has some properties that make it one the best frizzy hair remedy home. Let’s check out how you can apply beer on hair.
Ingredients Required:
- 1 Glass of Beer
- 2 Vitamin E capsule
Method To Apply On Hair:
- At first, pour the beer in a bowl to carbonate it i.e. remove carbon dioxide from beer.
- Mix both the ingredients properly
- Now leave the beer in the open bowl overnight, so that all its flavors can be removed
- Now wash your hair with shampoo and then wash hair with beer.
- Massage the scalp while washing
- Then use cold water to wash hair
- Repeat this process once or two a week.
Beer is rich in protein and vitamin B. So it not only brings moisture back but also nourishes the hair.
Source :- wellordie . com
Banana Mask
Banana is a great remedy for skin and hair. It helps in improving the structure of hair. Let’s now check out the process to use banana mask on hair to get rid of frizzy hair.
Ingredients Required:
- 1 or 2 banana (according to your hair length)
- 2 teaspoon of raw honey
- Coconut or almond oil as per the consistency of the mixture.
Method To Apply On Hair:
At first, crush bananas with a spoon and knead it well, so that the pieces of banana do not remain
Now mix honey and oil in this
After mixing the whole mixture well, place it on the scalp and hair properly
After applying, leave the mixture for 20 to 25 minutes as shown in the picture
Now wash the hair with shampoo and conditioner
Repeat this remedy once a week to cure excessive frizzy hair
Banana is a great ingredient to nourish the hair, especially when it is mixed with honey.
Source :- i0.wp . com
Apple Cider
Apart from many benefits, apple cider can also help in problem related to hair. Let’s check out the ways to apply it on frizzy hair.
Ingredients Required:
2 tablespoons apple vinegar
2 cups of water
Method To Apply On Hair:
First, put the apple vinegar in cold water and keep it aside
Now wash the hair with shampoo
Then wash the hair with this mixture
Leave this mixture in the hair for a while and now use the conditioner in the hair
Repeat this once every week.
Apple vinegar helps to balance the PH level of hair and closes the open hair follicles. It also clears scum and dirt in the hair and brings shine in the hair.
Source ;- americanschoolofnaturalhealth . com
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera gel is very beneficial for both skin and hair. Mixing it with any essential oil forms a protective layer in the hair follicles. This mixture makes it one of the greatest frizzy hair remedy home. Let’s now check out the process of apply the mixture.
Ingredients Required:
- A ¼ portion of Aloe Vera gel
- ¼ cup of any essential oil
- 2 teaspoon of honey
- 2 vitamin E capsule
Method To Apply On Hair:
- First of all, join the Aloe Vera gel with any essential oil
- Now gradually add all the ingredients with the gel
- Mix it well
- Now put this mixture on the scalp and hair
- After applying, leave this mixture for 20 to 30 minutes
- Then wash the hair with shampoo and conditioner
- Repeat this mask twice a week.
Aloe Vera is very good material to give moisture to hair. It keeps moisture and the hair remains soft, and shiny.