Tips & Tricks For DIY Painting Project

The Top 10 Ways to Paint Like a Pro | DIY

Painting is a fun job when done in the right spirit with either solo or with friends and partners. Colouring home is like giving your home a new dress,  whether you want to stitch it yourself or buy it from outside is total up to you.  For those DIY enthusiasts, we bring you all the tips and tricks to successfully paint your homes.

Start from the understanding of which part of the house needs a coat, choosing a suitable home color for exteriors is different from picking something for interiors. Hence, evaluate which project you wish to take up.

Here are a few Tips & Tricks to paint like a pro

  1. Preparing the indoors for a paint job. It is the most primary task one should do to save the interiors from paint fumes, marks, and other paint spills. Use ample plastic sheets to cover the furniture, tiles, and other items of the house.
  2. Invest time in researching for paint patterns, common errors, how to deal with them etc.
  3. After the painting job is done leftover paints have to be protected for next use, hence ensure they are covered properly to avoid them from drying up
  4. Invest in quality foam rollers, and brushes this will ensure there is more coverage of the paint. You should also buy enough paint tape to secure the areas or anything that you want to save from paints. Secure sheets on switchboards. You should also ensure a roller extender is in place to reach the top sections with ease.
  5. If you have a smooth surface, then you can directly add a primer and then paint it with your favorite color. However, if you have an uneven surface then you may have to add wall putty price to your budget and use the putty to make the wall even.
  6. While you make foolproof arrangements, choose a dry sunny day if possible to complete the paint job. Avoid a humid or a rainy day as it takes longer for the paint to dry. If you are compelled to paint on a humid day then use it to reevaluate your first coat, understand if everything is even, and then go for a second coat.
  7. If you want to add a texture then research on which type of texture you wish to add there are many texture varieties like hawk & trowel, sand grain, popcorn, etc. Work out on the paint quantity you may want, make sure you put them all on paper.
  8. While all the other above steps are important, it is mandatory to follow the order of the painting: like first ceiling, then the walls, as you come down the skirting boards fall third in line. The last are the window panels, door frames, and every other paneling. It is best to list down everything in a numerical order to avoid all the confusion or if to avoid missing out on something.
  9. Work on the painting technique, always follow a top to bottom approach to avoid excess paint dabs, spills, patches, and for an even job.
  10. Lastly, ensure you have enough ventilation while doing the paint job and post the paint job. Always prefer natural ventilation over tubelight or other yellow lights. Natural ventilation will clearly help you look at the paint in a detailed intricate way than a tube light.

While a DIY painting job is fun, it involves a lot of homework, planning, and precise execution. It is highly recommended to start from a garage wall and then graduate to living area as you become pro.

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