Best Back Extension Exercises For Strong Back

Best back extension exercises


If fat accumulates on your stomach, it does not cause as much embarrassment as the accumulation of fat on the back. If you also want to reduce your back fat and make your back strong then do this best back extension exercises daily which is very easy, which you can get perfect body by doing 30 minutes daily. So, see below the best back extension exercises here…

Best Back Extension Exercises:

The most difficult challenge is to reduce make your back strong. If fat accumulates on your stomach, it does not cause as much embarrassment as the accumulation of fat on the back. This causes you to face many inconveniences. Some exercises can help you in solving this problem that affects your fitness, personality, and health. So, see the best back extension exercises here…

Cardio Exercise


Cardio Exercise:

Cardio exercise is the best way to strengthen your back. It is a boon for people who lose weight. If you want to reduce your back fat, then you should do cardio exercises for the back. This includes rowing (sailing), boxing and swimming. This is one of the best back extension exercises.




By doing push-up exercises, your upper body maintains strength. Pushup alone is an exercise that builds both upper body and core strength. These exercises work on the triceps, pectoral muscles, and shoulders. If done properly, they can strengthen the lower back and core by stretching the abdominal muscles. This is one of the best back extension exercises.

  • To do push-ups exercises, you lay an exercise mat on the floor and sit on your knees and keep both of your legs behind.
  • Keep both your hands facing forward and then keep them on the ground at a distance equal to your shoulder width.
    Now lean forward and put bodyweight on your hands.
  • Knees of both feet above the floor and feet straight.
  • Straighten both hands completely and keep the toes on the floor. In this position, your entire body will be in a straight line.
  • Now slowly bend your hands with the elbow and try to bring the upper body ie the torso down towards the ground.
  • Continue lowering yourself until your chest or chin touches the ground.
  • After coming down, you straighten both your hands and lift yourself from the ground to the maximum height. Now you will be at the top of the pushup position.
  • This whole action going up and down is a push-up. Repeat this again and again.
  • Do not push exercises initially more than 10 times and gradually increase the number.




Pull-up exercises are a great body workout for our bodies. You do not need to do any more exercises after doing pull-ups exercises. This exercise keeps your body fit and works on all of your hands, shoulders, biceps and wee shape. Pull-up exercises are considered a bodyweight lift exercise. This is one of the best back extension exercises.

  • To do pull-ups, you first stand under a pull-up road.
  • Raise both your hands up and grab the pull-up road at a distance of shoulder width.
  • Keep both your hands completely upright and you can keep the legs straight or you can also bend with your knees.
  • Now, with emphasis on both your hands, lift the whole body up and bend your hands with elbows.
  • You raise your body slowly until your chin is above the bandage.
  • Now straighten both hands to lower your body and hang freely.
  • This is one of the pull-ups exercises you try to do at least 10 times.

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This exercise is very beneficial in strengthening the muscles. It helps in burning fat from the body and keeps the body in the right shape. This is one of the best back extension exercises.

  • To perform Planck exercises, bend your knees and sit on the ground and both palms rest on the floor.
  • Keep in mind that the shoulders and palms are in the same line, keep the elbows tight and keep the weight of the body on the fingers of the feet.
  • Stay in this position for 5-6 minutes.
  • Planks can do exercises in many ways like full planks, elbow planks, half planks, etc.




The bridge exercise is an important exercise for fitness. Which is beneficial for your whole body. It is considered as an example of chain exercise because while doing this exercise, both the arms and legs of the body remain in their place. This exercise is beneficial for everyone, from bodybuilders, runners, athletes, and yogis. The bridge exercise is an exercise that helps in strengthening the weak muscles and keeps the body fit. This is one of the best back extension exercises.

  • Lie on your back on the floor and keep both hands upright on both sides of the body and keep the palms out on the ground.
  • Now bend your knees and raise your feet above the ground.
  • After this, raise your buttocks above the ground too. The chest should be on the ground.
  • Balance the body with the back of the leg and shoulder.
  • Stay in this state for three seconds and then lower the body.
  • Do not forget to take a deep breath while exercising the hip bridge.
  • Repeat this exercise at least ten times for three seconds.




Sit-ups exercise is considered a very good exercise to keep your body fit. Today, every person craves slim and trim core but he is not able to get it easily. Sit up exercise is very beneficial to reduce fat from your stomach. There are many benefits to doing sit-ups if done carefully. Sit up exercise can be added to your regular routine as it is a good exercise for your workout.

  • To do sit-ups exercises, first of all, you should spread some exercise mat and lie down on it.
  • Keep both your hands on the floor and bend your knees on the ground.
  • Now take both your hands up and keep it behind the head.
  • Now while exhaling, move the upper part of your body towards your knees.
  • Now while breathing, come down again and lie down again.
  • This is a rep of sit up.
  • Initially, you have to do 10 reps like this, then gradually increase its number.
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