Forbrukslån Uten Sikkerhet: How to Get One?

Most startup or small business debentures or loans, especially those guaranteed by SBA or Small Business Administration, need borrowers to put up some kind of collateral. It will give lending firms peace of mind when borrowers are not able to pay the credit in full. But it is possible to get business credit without collateral. People have various options to fund their enterprises. Which option is best for them will depend on their company and their unique needs.

What are no-collateral business debentures?

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An NCBL or unsecured enterprise credit is a debenture that does not require borrowers to provide collateral, like company assets, cash, car, or real estate properties, for approval.

Secured versus unsecured

Secured or collateralized credits are debentures that need collateral to get approved. These things are less risky for financial institutions but riskier for borrowers. If individuals cannot pay back the credit in full, lending firms can claim assets used as collateral as a form of payment. Unsecured loans are credits without collateral or are not backed by assets.

Unsecured BLs are riskier for lending institutions, but less risky for borrowers. If people default on their debentures, lending institutions cannot seize assets, but they can raise IRs and fees or send the debenture to collection agencies. This type of loan may be a good option for entrepreneurs who lack collateral, have a short credit history, or have lower scores to consider.

Benefits of a No-Collateral Loan

If an individual is looking at the next steps to grow their enterprise, the benefits of NCL include the following:

  • No assets are tied to the debenture
  • Since individuals do not have to put up their assets as collateral to get approved, they will not risk losing them if they cannot fully pay their SBL
  • Faster approval process

Most of the time, business debentures without collateral are processed a lot faster compared to debentures that are secured by valuable properties. It allows people to access billigst funds and a lot quicker.

More flexibility

With secured credits, the amount of money people receive is usually seventy to eighty percent of the value of the property. With unsecured loans, people have more flexibility to borrow depends on what they need. It makes this credit an excellent solution for small- and medium-sized company owners with financial needs.

Ease of use

If an individual applies for secured debentures, they will usually need to provide reasons why they need a debenture. An NCBL, on the other hand, usually, be used for purposes like covering payroll, purchasing, inventory, and expanding the company – potentially helping entrepreneurs boost revenue for their small enterprises.

Build credit history and score

People can use these things to help improve their history if they make regular payments on time and manage their loans responsibly. Increasing the score can help borrowers get approved for other debentures or LOCs in the near future.

What type of credit can people get without a guarantee?

This kind of loan comes in different forms, providing different options for small business entrepreneurs looking for funding to help them expand their company or brand. Common types of these debentures include

  • SBA or Small Business Admin Loans
  • LOCs or Lines of Credit
  • P2P or Peer-to-Peer lending

It is imperative to know and understand these types of credits when applying for business funding.

Debentures backed by the SBA

The Small Business Admin guarantees most credits that go through conventional banks. It is a lot easier to get this kind of guarantee if individuals put up collateral, but that’s not the only option for entrepreneurs. The agency has a 7A debenture program that requires the individual to show proof of excellent cash flow for acquisition price and debt service. If accepted to this plan, the agency will guarantee seventy-five percent of any loss on loan to lending firms or financial institutions.


A line of credit allows individuals to borrow funds up to a certain limit. Like credit cards, entrepreneurs can take out what they need when they need it and pay back the fund in installments – including any fees and interests. If people do not exceed their limit, they can continue borrowing from their LOC if their account is active or open.

Let’s just say an entrepreneur has a LOC with a limit of six thousand dollars and a ten percent interest rate. The owner takes out five hundred dollars to cover their inventory purchasing. Once the owner repays that money plus a fifty-dollar interest, their available debenture will reset to six thousand dollars.

For entrepreneurs, the benefits of LOC include the following:

  • Helping meet the owner’s short-term goals
  • Entrepreneurs might use a LOC to jump on sudden investment opportunities, adjust to seasonal market changes, or pay bills before the due date.
  • Only paying the interest rate on what they use

Whit a LOC, people only need to pay the interest rate on the funds they take out. For instance, if they have a LOC of five thousand dollars but only use a thousand dollars, interest only accrues on the one thousand dollars. On the other hand, with installment loans, people will receive lump-sum payments up front and will pay IR on the whole thing, even if they do not end up using all the money for their needs.

Visit for info about LOCs.

Ease of use and flexibility

People might not know how much money they need to fund business goals or projects. A LOC gives people the flexibility to borrow amounts over time and needs to be ready to face any changes. This thing might offer the right solution for their small enterprise if they are looking for ease of use, reliable flow of funds, and flexibility that they can access when needed.

Loan term

A loan term is a good financing solution that provides the individual with lump sums of funds, which they can pay back after a specific period. The lending firms will set the payment schedule, variable or fixed IR, and terms. Some financial institutions may also require a DP or down payment for term debentures.

Term loans come in different forms:

Short terms – It runs from under twelve to eighteen months

Intermediate – It runs from one to three years

Long-term – It runs from three to twenty-five years and may need collateral to get approved

Enterprises usually use term credits to buy fixed assets like new retail spaces or equipment. STBLs may prove pretty helpful for startups looking to cover immediate financial needs like startup costs, seasonal gaps in cash flow, and emergency repairs.

Invoice factoring

It is the process of selling assets – invoices or accounts receivable – in exchange for working capital. Invoice factoring debentures help people access funds quickly, sometimes in under twenty-four hours. Here is how this thing works:

Factors purchase the right to collect people’s invoices once payments come through, minus discounts of two to six percent. Factors will pay seventy-five percent of invoices to individuals upfront and pay the rest once they have collected the full loaned amount. It is a standard solution for companies with steady and long receivables, like those in the clothing business. Factoring is also used as a one-time and short-term solution to access funds.

Seller cash advances

With this option, small businesses will receive money upfront from the merchant cash advance firms. The entrepreneur will repay this debt using part of their future sales and additional fees. For instance, lending firms might provide the funds and automatically deduct a small percentage of the entrepreneur’s CC sales until their debt is repaid in full.

This option is suitable for startups or small enterprises that need immediate access to money and are looking for alternatives to conventional loans. While this thing usually has a high approval rate. They can also come with higher IR and fewer rules and regulations compared to other options.

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) financing

P2P lending does not operate through conventional lending firms or financial institutions. Instead, this thing requires the cooperation of customers. People provide unsecured debentures to borrowers depending on their company’s business plans. When receiving this kind of credit, everything is done through the Internet. Usually, these kinds of loans have a higher IR and shorter term. The specifics can differ, as everything is based on the history of the borrower.

Can people get loans without guarantees if they have bad credit?

This kind of loan can help entrepreneurs who are looking for fast financing. But a lot of lending firms will need a good score, as well as proof of stable credit history. When it is possible to get this debenture if the borrower has a bad history, they can also take important steps to build their credit and become eligible for other kinds of debentures in the near future.

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