11 Ways to Improve Your Web Application Security

11 Ways to Improve Your Web Application Security

With rampant cyber-attacks happening these days, the security of your website has become crucial. If you use a Web application for your business, you must adopt stringent security measures against cyber threats. There should be proper testing methods for web application security. The criminals use various means to attack your website. They can access sensitive information like personally identifiable information, credit card information, and login credentials. Imagine the troubles you can face if they access sensitive data.In this article, we will discuss web application security and how to ensure the security of your web application? We will discuss eleven ways to improve web application security.

Web Application Security? – Ways to Improve It

Table of Contents

Perform a Security Audit Regularly

Performing a security audit regularly helps you identify the vulnerable point in your web application. It will help you rectify those loopholes and take effective measures to prevent any potential attack and eliminate them. There should be a specific time when you should conduct this practice. Ideally, you should perform a security audit once a week. You can appoint a web security team within your company or hire professional web security providers.

Always Encrypt Your Data

A web application means you deal with a lot of data. If you are running an e-commerce store, a bank website, or any other web application, the users may enter their personal information, bank account, or credit card details. Encrypting data from the visitor’s browser to your server is another step in ensuring web application security. You can use SSL/TLS encryption to encrypt all the data from the user’s browser via HTTP protocol. If you are running a large enterprises, you should go with Code Signing certificate like EV Code Signing certificate or OV Code Signing certificate for application security. Such Code Sign cert assures end users that the application they are downloading is safe and the code is not altered since it is signed.

Perform a Penetration Testing

Just like players practice before playing the game, it is essential to put your web application in a real-life situation and monitor how it works. It will help you identify any loophole and rectify it before using the software in your system. It is more effective than a regular scan. You need a cyber security specialist who will emulate a cyber culprit and try to hack the application. It is a highly effective way for web application security, and you can prepare for any unwanted situation.

Use a Web Application Firewall

Using a web application firewall is an effective way to protect your website. It monitors the traffic between your web application and the Internet and prevents anything suspicious from entering your server. A firewall usually provides protections against cross-site-scripting (XSS), SQL injection, cross-site forgery, and some other types of cyber threats. Make sure that you are using a top-quality firewall.

Real-Time Security Monitoring

Cyber-attacks can happen anytime, and they may cause you severe damage in a brief time. The criminals can misuse your company’s and customer’s bank account details which will cost you dearly. That is why Cyber security is not an occasional activity. You should implement it on a real-time basis. You need an effective cyber security system in place to monitor any suspicious activity and prevent it immediately.

Identify the Vulnerable Entry Points for Hackers

You need to use many web applications to run a business these days. In most of the software, some parts are more vulnerable than others. The parts that manage user login, checkout point, or store data are more prone to get attacked. It helps you divide the software into different modules and focus more on the critical parts. It helps you prevent any unwanted access to those parts of the application.

Use Strong Passwords

Millions of people can use your application every day. So, it is essential to use strong passwords as it is one of the most vulnerable points in your application. Hackers can crack weak passwords easily and access the system. A complex Password plays a critical role in ensuring web application security. It applies to customers and your employees. What is a strong password? Well, the password should contain at least 10-12 characters including letters, numbers, and a distinctive character, and it should not include the name of a person, place, or animal.

Block any Suspicious Access

All the users are not aware of cyber security, and they may end up sharing their passwords unintentionally. Criminals may take advantage of the situation and try to access their accounts from another device or place. It applies for login to banks, credit card providers, or any other companies where the financial interest is involved. One such transaction can cost you millions. Your security system should be capable of identifying and blocking any such attempt when it suspects unauthorized access.

Hire a Web Security Company

Many organizations do not put much emphasis on web application security. They think it is expensive, and there is no point in spending much on cyber security. However, they realize it when damage is done. You can avoid all these problems by hiring a competent web security company. Web application security is a specialized job, and only a professional company can help. They can identify the threats and take necessary measures in advance.

Use Cookies Safely

You must be aware that cooking is the files installed on a user’s browser when they visit your website the first time. It helps them access the website faster when they visit the next time. However, you need to use them securely as hackers can use cookies to gain unauthorized access. You should not use cookies to store a user’s login credentials. Apart from this, you should encrypt the information stored in the cookies.

Educate Your Employees About Cyber Security

Educating your employees is essential to boosting web application security. All your employees may not be tech-savvy, and they can store the username, password knowingly or unknowingly in someplace which can pose a security threat. They should also know about several types of cyber security threats and what to do if they encounter such a situation.


Protecting your web application is crucial for your business. There have been many incidents of security breaches in recent times. So, you must invest in web application security to keep your business secured. As your business grows, you have to use multiple applications. It may cost you a significant amount. However, it helps you run your business smoothly and avoid more serious threats. However, you must remember that it is not an individual effort, and everyone in your organization must adhere to the security policies. Moreover, following the above tips can help you ensure web security and remove the risks to a significant extent.

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