Stomach Cancer: stages of stomach cancer
Stomach cancer is a growth of cancerous cells within the lining of the stomach. Stomach cancer is also called gastric cancer. This type of cancer is difficult to diagnose. According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) [] also estimates that stomach cancer is 1.7 percent of new cancer cases in the United States. This type of cancer is difficult to treat because most people typically don’t show any symptoms in the earlier stages. Stages of stomach can’t easy to determine.
Stomach cancer is the second most common type of cancer and affects more men than women. It affects both males and females but when it comes to the male gender it is more prevalent in men than women. The word “stomach” itself is not given a medical term and the term “stomach cancer” was first used by physician Georg von Berckel in 1865 to refer to a particular kind of malignant tumor that is seen in the stomach of the patient. This tumor usually grows rapidly and there are times when it remains in the stomach for many years.
The tumor can be benign or malignant and it may seem like breast cancer. A malignant tumor may cause severe pain and constipation or even nausea. A benign tumor does not cause severe pain and does not need much to eat. Stomach cancer is usually discovered during a routine physical examination or when the patient has a periodontal x-ray showing soft tissue growths. If you suspect you have this kind of cancer it is very important to visit your doctor as soon as possible to ensure the treatment is right for you.
Stages of stomach cancer are: Stage I, II and III. There are some symptoms that are commonly associated with stages I and II of this type of cancer. The most common of these is bleeding from the lining of the stomach or vomiting blood frequently. The patients may also experience loss of appetite, loss of weight and might have difficulty swallowing. Stage III may involve heavy bleeding and weight loss and the patient may exhibit fever with chills. In some cases, the tumors continue to grow or metastasize after surgery and some die after reaching the second stage of this disease.
Stomach cancer is rare compared to other types of cancer. Stomach cancer doesn’t cause any early symptoms, that’s why it often goes undiagnosed until it spreads to other parts of the body. That is why it is more difficult to treat.
Stomach disease, diet, and age can affect in developing Stomach cancer. Stomach cancers symptoms include indigestion and stomach pain or discomfort. Stages of stomach cancers are not easy to recognize.
Causes of stomach cancer :
It is unknown exactly what makes cancer cells in the stomach. But there are a few things that can increase the risk of the stomach cancer. One of the reasons for stomach cancer is infection with a common bacteria which causes ulcers, gastritis, a type of long-lasting anemia and growth of the stomach can be the reason of stomach cancer.
other things that can be the reason of stomach cancer are :
High salt intake
High intake of meat
Processed food
Working in rubber, coal industry
Symptoms of stomach cancer:
though stomach cancer doesn’t have any early symptoms it can be also detected by some symptoms. These symptoms are
Bloody stools
Stomach pain
Loss of appetite
Stages of stomach cancer:
Stages of stomach cancers are difficult to understand. The stages are ..
Stage 0 (Carcinoma in Situ)
This is the first stage of stomach cancer that also referred as carcinoma in situ because cancer doesn’t spread the nearby tissue. In this stage, abnormal cells become cancer and spread into nearby normal tissue.
Stage I
This is the next stage of stomach cancer. In this stage cancer formed in the inside lining of the stomach wall.
- Cancer may have spread into the submucosa of the stomach wall.
- Cancer may have spread into the submucosa of the stomach wall and found in lymph nodes near the tumor or
spread to the muscle layer of the stomach wall.
Stage II
Cancer has grown from the top layer of the mucosa to the next layers lamina propria. The cancer started growing into the subserosa layer. The tumor has grown through the stomach wall to the serosa, but the cancer hasn’t grown into any of the nearby organs.
Stage III
In the third stage of stomach cancer, Cancer has grown through the stomach wall into the serosa. the cancer cell has grown from the top layer of cells of the mucosa to the next layers lamina propria, the muscularis mucosa, or submucosa and it spread to 7-15 nearby lymph nodes. It has not spread to distant sites.
Stage IV
In stage IV, cancer has spread to distant parts of the body.